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CMM Vibraisolation Bench

Vibration Isolation Bench

  • CMM Vibraisolation Bench Overview -

    Measuring and testing equipment coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have been seeing increasing measurement speed and accuracy year by year.Newer CMMs are designed for use in workshops and manufactured for production environments with high repeatability. Factors that may affect the accuracy and repeatability of a CMM include interference vibration. The ideal state has been reached once all of the components in a CMM, including the part to be measured at a particular frequency, amplitude, phase, and alignment vibrate in harmony – the measured power will not decrease. This situation is equivalent to a state of complete freedom from vibration in a CMM with all of its parts moving synchronously. Measurement inaccuracies may arise once components start to vibrate out of phase, or if structural resonance arises. CMM manufacturers define vibration level tolerances at which their equipment still works properly for the respective machine to avoid any potential loss in accuracy. This permissible vibration value is an important factor in a decision as to whether a machine requires vibration isolation.


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  • CMM Vibraisolation Bench Specifications +

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